Private Studio By Joshua Hibbard
Futuristic Realism & Surrealism Tattoos

A Sample of My Work

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Client Reviews

Here's what my clients say.

Best Portland Tattoo Artist For Large-Scale Pieces That Push The Bounds Of The Craft

Tattoos That Transform You

My 20+ year journey in the tattoo world, including my time on Ink Master, has helped me master a huge range of styles. Today, I like creating futuristic tattoos that blend realism, surrealism, and other techniques into masterpieces that resemble digital paintings. I’m out to craft tattoos that defy expectations.

A tattoo should be more than just a beautiful design—it should interact with the body’s natural contours seamlessly. I like to make big pieces that wrap the body, show something new from every angle, and can’t be captured in a single photo. While I am committed to the unique story, vision, and motivation for your tattoo, you can trust that as an artist, my main focus is to create something that looks beautiful on your unique body.

My Tattoo Portfolio

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Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Here are a few more details you might be curious about.

My rate is $2,500 for a full day or $400 an hour and I require a full day appointment for new projects. I only work with one person per day. If you have a smaller tattoo that won’t take a full day, your tattoo is still my sole focus for the day.

My hourly rate is reserved for shorter sessions to work on in-progress pieces with existing clients. If you want to get a smaller tattoo, we can work on multiple tattoos in a day to make it worth your investment in a half-day or full-day session. Curious about the types of projects I typically take? Check out question 3 below.

My rates reflect my 20+ years of experience, my dedication to consistently high-quality art, and the personalized attention I give to each client (see details on amenities under the next question). I’m happy to provide you with a rough estimate for the final cost of your new tattoo after you share your idea with me here.

Payment options: cash, Venmo, Cash App, and Apple Pay. I also offer Buy-Now-Pay-Later (BNPL) via AfterPay. BNPL arrangements include paying in 4 interest-free equal payments every other week or in monthly payment plans ranging from 6 to 24 months.

Every detail of your visit is crafted with the goal to give you the best tattoo experience of your life. From the moment you step into the studio, you’ll realize my commitment to your experience in this creative process that I see as a sacred act of personal transformation.

Your comfort and well-being are vital. To bring out the full potential of the tattooing process, I attend to every detail. It’s not just about helping you endure the process; it’s about enjoying a transformation. This understanding shapes every aspect of my studio’s atmosphere and the amenities I offer:

  • Meal of Your Choice: Tattoo sessions can be lengthy and staying energized is key. Every client is treated to a meal of their choice, ordered through an app like Uber Eats, at no extra expense.
  • Refreshments/Snacks on Me: Hydration and light snacks help us both stay in the right state of mind to stay fully present through the process. The studio is stocked with drinks and snacks to keep your energy and mood up.
  • Pain Management: Everyone has different thresholds and preferences when it comes to pain. I can offer numbing cream and spray as needed. And I’ll always stay attentive to your needs, offering breaks and adjustments throughout the process to ensure you’re as comfortable as possible.

With two decades of experience, I’ve designed the studio to minimize stress and help imbue your tattoo with a positive memory. If there’s a specific amenity or accommodation that would make your experience better, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

I prefer to do larger scale work these days, aiming to transform bodies into canvases for art that defies expectations. My work these days includes a lot of futuristic tattoos that blend realism and surrealism into unique pieces that interact with the body’s natural contours, offering new perspectives from every angle.

While I value your story and motivation, my main goal is to craft a visually stunning tattoo that bolsters your personal confidence and fills you with pride. If you’re after a piece that transcends stylistic boundaries and truly enhances your form, we’re probably a fit. In some cases, that might mean something smaller. Just keep in mind I require a half-day minimum to book a tattoo. In those cases, we could work on more than one small tattoo in a session to make it worth your investment.

I tattoo on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11 am to 7 pm Pacific Time, though sessions can sometimes extend depending on various factors including how you are feeling. I also conduct consultation calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9 am and 9 pm. 

While I have a busy schedule, there are often openings due to rescheduling. If you’re flexible with your dates, there’s a possibility you could get an appointment sooner. My aim is to accommodate clients while ensuring they receive my full attention and creative energy. Once you submit a new tattoo inquiry, you’ll be able to view my availability.

I respect the originality of other artists and won’t copy someone else’s tattoo. However, I can use the image you provide as inspiration to understand your preferences and create a unique design tailored to you. When you come to an artist, the true value lies in receiving a piece that reflects that artist’s unique style and interpretation. To ensure you get a piece that you love, check out the artist’s portfolio of work and see if their style(s) or any specific tattoos align with your vision. 

Absolutely. My commitment is to be open, honest, respectful, and professional at all times. I prioritize your comfort and treat every client with the utmost care. My goal is to ensure you have a positive experience, feeling valued and respected throughout the process, and ultimately leave with an incredible tattoo that’s associated with a positive memory of the process.

Absolutely, I recently received a health board certification for my studio, a distinction few studios in Portland have. This certification means the health department has thoroughly inspected my shop and found it meets all their stringent requirements. I ensure everything is meticulously clean, using sprays that eliminate all potential contaminants. My studio is not only clean but also comfortable and inviting, ensuring clients have a pleasant experience throughout.

For aftercare, I usually use a medical-grade bandage like Second Skin. My recommendation is to either use this or a similar product for a few weeks, re-applying weekly (I’m happy to help re-apply if you stop in) or simply let it heal naturally without applying any products. The key is to let the tattoo dry without excessive moisture, as this can lead to scabbing. Once the tattoo starts cracking and peeling, you can apply a moisturizer for comfort. The main goal is to avoid unnecessary products and touching of the tattoo during the initial healing phase.

Years Tattooing
1 +
Tattoos Completed
100 +
Tattoo Studios Operated
"Best Of" Convention Wins
1 +

Let’s Get Started on Your Custom Tattoo

Get A Masterful Tattoo In A Unique Blend of Styles And Influences

Looking for a 100% original tattoo and a high-end tattoo experience focused on your comfort and your one-of-a-kind art? Let’s talk.

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Want to Talk?

If it’s during my normal working hours (11-7 pm), feel free to call me. Text message is preferred. If I’m tattooing, I may not answer right away (please text instead of leaving a VM). Texting is better for discussing your tattoo, so I have a record. 

If you submit a tattoo idea here, you’ll then see a link to schedule a consultation at your convenience.